The main package used to interact with the GEB system. Includes helper functions for safe management and the contract interface object to directly call smart contracts.
+ new Geb(network
: GebDeployment, provider
: GebProviderInterface | Provider): Geb
Defined in packages/geb/src/geb.ts:89
Constructor of the main Geb.js object.
Name | Type | Description |
network | GebDeployment | Either 'arbitrum' , 'arbitrum-sepolia' or an actual list of contract addresses. |
provider | GebProviderInterface | Provider | Either a Ethers.js provider or a Geb provider (Soon support for Web3 will be added) |
Returns: Geb
• contracts: ContractApis
Defined in packages/geb/src/geb.ts:87
Object containing all GEB core smart-contracts instances for direct level interactions. All of the following contracts object are one-to-one typed API to the underlying smart-contract. Read-only functions that do not change the blockchain state return a promise of the return data. State modifying function will return synchronously a pre-filled transaction request object:
to: "0x123abc.."
data: "0xabab234ab..."
This object follow the TransactionRequest model of ethers.js (Also similar to the model used by web.js). The object can be completed with properties such as from
, gasPrice
, gas
(gas limit, web3.js ony) or gasLimit
(gas limit, ethers.js only). The object can then be passed to the sendTransaction
of ethers.js or web3.js
// Setup geb.js an ethers
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('<API KEY>')
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet('<Private key>', provider)
const geb = new Geb('kovan', provider)
// Contract read function: Fetch the debt ceiling
const debtCeiling = await geb.contracts.safeEngine.globalDebtCeiling()
// State changing function: manualy liquidate a SAFE
const tx = geb.contracts.liquidationEngine.liquidateSAFE(ETH_A, '0x1234abc...')
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx) // Send the Ethereum transaction
Currently the following contracts are available:
- SAFEEngine
- AccountingEngine
- TaxCollector
- LiquidationEngine
- OracleRelayer
- GlobalSettlement
- DebtAuctionHouse
- PreSettlementSurplusAuctionHouse
- PostSettlementSurplusAuctionHouse
- SettlementSurplusAuctioneer
- GebSafeManager
- GetSafes
- BasicCollateralJoin
- CoinJoin
- Coin (System coin ERC20 contract)
- GebProxyRegistry
- FixedDiscountCollateralAuctionHouse
- Weth (ERC20)
For detailed information about the functions of each contract we recommend referring directly to the smart contract code and documentation.
▸ deployProxy(): TransactionRequest
Defined in packages/geb/src/geb.ts:133
Deploy a new proxy owned by the sender.
Returns: TransactionRequest
▸ getErc20Contract(tokenAddress
: string): Erc20
Defined in packages/geb/src/geb.ts:261
Returns an object that can be used to interact with a ERC20 token. Example:
const USDCAddress = "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"
const USDC = geb.getErc20Contract(USDCAddress)
// Get 0xdefiisawesome's balance
const balance = USDC.balanceOf("0xdefiisawesome..")
// Send 1 USDC to 0xdefiisawesome (USDC has 6 decimals)
const tx = USDC.transfer("0xdefiisawesome..", "1000000")
await wallet.sendTransaction(tx)
Name | Type | Description |
tokenAddress | string | Token contract address |
Returns: Erc20
▸ getProxyAction(ownerAddress
: string): Promise‹GebProxyActions‹››
Defined in packages/geb/src/geb.ts:121
Given an address returns a GebProxyActions object to execute bundled operations. Important: This requires the address to have deployed a GEB proxy through the proxy registry contract. It will throw a DOES_NOT_OWN_HAVE_PROXY
error if the address specified does not have a proxy. Use the deployProxy function to get a new proxy.
Name | Type | Description |
ownerAddress | string | Externally owned user account, Ethereum address that owns a GEB proxy. |
Returns: Promise‹GebProxyActions‹››